Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Vintage Sap Bucket Upcycled to Hanging Basket

A little morning project.. I took a few of my old galvanized sap buckets and turned them into hanging baskets for flowers! 

I started off by drilling 4 holes in the sides to attach the chain.  I also drilled a few holes in the bottom for drainage. 

I picked up a box of chain at a greenhouse auction several months back.. I knew it would come in handy! 

I picked up these beautiful baskets at the Extravaganza this past weekend. 

The Final Product! 

I do have a few extras Available for purchase.  They can be found in our Etsy Shop.  Here is the link https://www.etsy.com/listing/190214126/vintage-galvanized-sap-bucket-upcycled?ref=shop_home_active_1

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